[Proposal] Sequencer Selection: Cookie Jar!


Cookie Jar

Proposed by

Zac Williamson, Cooper Kunz


We propose a privacy-preserving sequencer selection algorithm that employs a bidding mechanism to determine the right to create a rollup in a fully decentralized network, based off of Ethereum 2.0’s current proof of stake mechanism. In Aztec, block producers must be known ahead of time as they coordinate block production (i.e., they post block state to the L2 gossip network, accept proofs from the proof pool, and coordinate rollup production). This proposal prioritizes the following characteristics: 1) ensuring the cost of block censorship is proportional to the block’s economic value, 2) maintaining a predefined sequencer selection, and 3) preserving the privacy of sequencer identities. Also perhaps notably the proposal suggests the protocol can be built on both public and private Noir contracts.


  1. Details
  2. Comparisons
  3. Drawbacks
  4. Feasibility
  5. Glossary
  6. Questions


This proposal can be broken down into the following steps -

  1. Registration
  2. Bidding for block production rights
  3. Sequencer selection
  4. Proving block production rights


Sequencers are required to register against a specific public/private key pair at least one epoch in advance of making any bids. The verifiable random function’s (VRF) salt (vrf_salt) is updated every time a sequencer bid is made, rendering its value unknown at the time of registration. This precaution prevents a sequencer from testing random private keys until they discover one that yields a favorable VRF output. There is a question of how to bootstrap, or determine the initial sequencer. There are a few options here, including hardcoding a list of “initial nodes”, coordinating a bootstrapping or randomized ceremony, or perhaps just trusting Vitalik to run a “bootnode” that is the first sequencer (this is a joke, folks… unless? :thinking:)

Bidding for block production rights

A sequencer places a bid, denoted as bid_value, in tokens for the right to create a block. If the bid_value is positive, it will be burned if the sequencer is selected to produce a block, regardless of whether they choose to or fail to produce a block for any reason. If the bid_value is negative, the selected sequencer will only receive their tokens after successfully producing a block. A negative bid_value exists to incentivize block production during periods of low use or inactivity such that the sequencer’s costs exceed the revenue acquired from block fees. The maximum negative size of bid_value is capped to prevent the case where, if the network only has a single sequencer bidding, they can create arbitrary inflation.

Sequencer selection

The selection algorithm, implemented as Noir contracts, encompasses both private and public transactions. It employs a private Noir contract and a VRF to generate a private, shielded_id, which is subsequently added to a public Noir contract alongside the bid. This contract then sorts the shielded_ids and bids, prioritizing the largest bids.

Simultaneously, the VRF output, while uniquely identifying a bid, also alters it to create random-weighted bids. This addition of randomness into the bidding process hampers monopolization of block production by ensuring that the highest bid only increases the probability, not the certainty, of selection for a given block.

An epoch is divided into slots, or fixed periods of time during which a sequencer can produce blocks. The epoch’s bids are sorted by the value of their random-weighted bids, with the largest ones taking precedence and the largest negative ones going last. Each slot is then allocated to a sequencer based on these sorted bids. For a more detailed explanation, please refer to the algorithm section at the end of the proposal.

Proving block production rights

The selected sequencer must coordinate with provers to generate a block using an L2 messaging network. To ensure the provers recognize the correct sequencer, the sequencer will generate a temporary public/private key pair for use while producing a block and create a zk-SNARK that verifies their status as the sequencer with the current slot’s shielded_id.

Algorithm breakdown & more details

Blocks are organized into epochs. The expected block production rate is defined as block_rate (in blocks/s). An epoch represents a period of epoch_length seconds, sliced into epoch_length * block_rate slots. Each slot has a designated sequencer. At the end of epoch i, the sequencer list for epoch i + 2 is finalized, giving sequencers 1 epoch to ‘get ready’ to produce blocks.

N.B. all arithmetic in this section is integer arithmetic and not finite field arithmetic. Fractions are represented via both a numerator and a denominator to prevent a loss of precision.

Sequencer candidates use a VRF to pick a random number that determines their eligibility. The VRF consumes the following state:

  • sequencer secret key sk
  • epoch_number
  • vrf_salt

The vrf salt is derived from all previous vrf values (defined below). The vrf_salt value is updated every time a sequencer bid is made, making its value unknown at the time of registration. A sequencer bids a bid_value amount of tokens for the right to create a block, which can be positive or negative, but not exceed a max_negative_bid.

Private Noir Contract -

Initial VRF output is computed as:

VRF_{initial} = H(epoch\_number + 2, sk)

Outputs of the private contract:

  • VRF_{initial}
  • bid\_value

Public Noir Contract -

Let m = {block\_rate} * {epoch\_length} (number of blocks in the epoch)

The contract tracks a sized-m array of slot entries. Each slot entry is a tuple of { bid, shielded_id }.

The array is sorted by bids (lowest first). Positive bids take precedence over negative bids (i.e. flip the sign!)

The contract computes m VRF outputs:

VRF_{i} \text{ } \text{ for } i \in [0, m - 1]


VRF_i = H(VRF_{initial}, salt, i)

This is used to produce m bids where

bid_i = VRF_i * \frac{total\_supply}{bid\_value}

The bids are used to produce m new slot entries, where shielded_id = VRF_i.

A new slot size-2m slot array is computed and sorted. The first m entries are used to define the new slots for the target epoch.

Updating salt

The public contract updates its salt value to be:

salt = H(salt, VRF_{initial})

Proving you’re a valid sequencer

The chosen sequencer must coordinate with provers to generate a block using an L2 messaging network. A sequencer will perform the following steps:

  1. Generate a temporary public/private key pair pk_{slot}, sk_{slot} to identify themselves while producing a block.
  2. Produce a ZK-SNARK proof that establishes:
  3. They know the pre-image of the slot’s shielded\_id
  4. They can sign over the pre-image with sk_{slot}
  5. The outputs of the proof are \{ pk_{slot}, shielded\_id \}

Committing to a block

It is important that a sequencer commits to the transaction ordering within their block prior to requesting proofs be generated from the Prover network (to prevent wasted Prover computation).

The sequencer must commit to a block hash on the L1 rollup contract, that is linked against pk_slot and the block number. Once committed to this cannot be changed.

When the eventual block proof is submitted on-chain, the block hash will be defined as a public input to the rollup circuit. This will be checked against the committed value generated by the block msg.sender. If they do not match the block is rejected.

Sequencer Verification

When a sequencer publishes a block, they must choose a public key pk_coinbase to identify the coinbase address.

The rollup circuit validates that the block contains one private call to the sequencer verification L2 contract.

Verification Private Contract Logic

  1. For a given private input sk, compute sequencer\_id = H(epoch\_number, sk)
  2. Validate a signature signed by sk over a message that contains \{ sequencer\_id, coinbase \}
  3. Call the public verification contract with input params sequencer\_id, coinbase

Verification Public Contract Logic

The current block number is used to compute the current epoch’s slot.

From this, the slot’s sequencer\_id is extracted.

The contract validates that the input sequencer id matches this value.

The contract validates that the value of coinbase provided to the rollup circuit matches the input parameter coinbase value.

Epoch Cleanup Logic

Cleanup work is needed for epochs less than the current_epoch. For old epochs, ensure positive sequencer bids are burned, and negative sequencer bids are credited to sequencer accounts if a valid block has been produced.

Initializing the Sequencer List per Epoch

It is crucial to have a valid sequencer list for a given epoch. Although rare, it is necessary to rule out. One solution is to initialize the sequencers for epoch i + 2 as the same sequencers as i, but linked to a sequencer_value that is maximal, so any sequencer bids will overwrite the initial list.

L1 Contract Logic

The L1 contract uses its timestamp value to validate that the block’s epoch number and slot number are correct.


This proposal strikes a balance between Joe’s PBS design, which leverages a market-based solution to decentralize concerns, minimizing the need for a distinct “sequencer,” and Cooper’s Whisky proposal, which employs a random shuffle mechanism without an economic bid/burn marketplace. However, it does choose to leverage the L2 itself, and Noir, which is quite different! Alternative proposals, such as shared sequencers and L1-based coordination, pose challenges regarding MEV extraction and cost-efficiency.

As highlighted in the summary, this proposal prioritizes: 1) making block censorship cost proportional to the block’s economic value, 2) upholding a predefined sequencer selection for proving efficiency, and 3) protecting the privacy of sequencer identities, presenting an effective balance among the options proposed thus far.


This sequencer selection proposal suffers from an issue also present in Eth 2.0. If a sequencer is assigned to produce the final block in an epoch, whether they produce a block or not will affect the value of the VRF salt for the next bidding cycle.

Thus, if the sequencer bids for the next epoch, they can choose the VRF salt value that maximizes their chance of success not producing their block.

This issue is exacerbated if the final x sequencers in a block choose to collude to maximize their chances of being selected in the next block.

This method of choosing the sequencer depends on a relatively large number of competing sequencers, such that the expected return from not producing a block is less than the value lost by not producing a block.


Given that a significant portion of this proposal can be implemented in Noir contracts, making it a pure engineering exercise (rather than a cryptography one) this will speed development. Given the complexity I think 6 months is an optimistic but fair estimate.


  • Epoch: In the context of blockchain, an epoch refers to a fixed time period during which certain actions take place. In this proposal, epochs are periods during which sequencers can produce blocks.
  • Block: A block is a collection of transactions bundled together. In the blockchain, blocks are chained together to form the full transaction history of the network.
  • Block Rate: This is the rate at which new blocks are added to the blockchain. It can be defined as blocks per second (blocks/s).
  • Slots: In this proposal, slots are fixed periods of time within an epoch. Each slot has a designated sequencer who can produce blocks.
  • VRFs (Verifiable Random Functions): VRFs are cryptographic functions that generate a random output that can be verified with a public key. In this proposal, they are used to add randomness to the bidding process for block production rights, making it difficult for a single entity to monopolize block production.
  • VRF Salt: In the context of this proposal, the VRF salt is a value that is updated every time a sequencer bid is made. It is used as input to the VRF to generate a unique random number for each bid. The value of the VRF salt is unknown at the time of sequencer registration, making it impossible for a sequencer to manipulate the bidding process by finding a private key that yields a favorable VRF output.


  1. Should there be max_negative_bid? If so, what should it be?
    1.a. Yes, the bid value should not exceed a max_negative_bid (tbd) to prevent: Long-tail bids from excessively inflating the token supply, and in the event an attacker launches a targeted DDOS attack against all online sequencers and submits the only valid bid, protection against that negative bid being large enough to justify the attack.

Could you elaborate a bit more on what is publicly visible at various points in the bidding / slot finalisation process. Either via public state or the L2 transaction pool?


Transactions to place bids
All bids for a given slot
The current VRF salt value

My understanding is as follows:

Sequencer bids are private contract calls, so the bid or identity of the sender is unknown. However these calls go on to call a public function executed by the current sequencer in order to update the VRF_SALT.

Is this correct?

If so, what stops the current sequencer, refusing to process any transactions asking to modify the public contract and effectively censoring bids for future epochs, other than their own?


Really interesting design!

I am a little bit confused in the details:

Is H a VRF? Then what is the secret key for computing H?


You raise a good point and the design as described above is open to censorship attacks.

IIRC Eth 2.0 gets around this by using the PoW beacon chain to coordinate sequencer bids.

I think we would need to update the Cookie Jar proposal to ensure that sequencer bids must be included by the current block sequencer and cannot be censored.

This could be done by doing the following:

  1. The bidder creates an L2 transaction that includes the private function as described above (and only their private function). The private function does not output any data but instead writes a hash of (VRF_initial, bid_value) into a UTXO
  2. The bidder makes a call to the L1 rollup, finalize_bid(VRF_initial, bid_value). This method inserts VRF_initial, bid_value into a “bid queue”
  3. The L1 contract requires that the next rollup block has made public function calls associated with each entry in the “bid queue”

This might be a good opportunity to extend the architecture to have a generic L1 mechanism that forces the next block to contain specific public function calls (i.e. force a tx inclusion at the cost of putting the tx on L1 and not L2). This mechanism could then be used by bidders to prevent sequencers from censoring their bids.


H stands for “Hash”.

VRF stands for “Verifiable Random Function”. It is an algorithm that produces a number that is uniformly randomly distributed, but the output can be verified to have come from specific inputs.

The value of VRFInitial comes from H(epoch_number + 2, sk)

Here, sk is the sequencer’s secret key. The important thing about VRFInitial is that an individual sequencer has no way of modifying the output of VRFinitial. i.e. it’s pseudorandom, but also not able to be manipulated.

The “Verifiable” part comes from the fact that the Noir function checks that VRFInitial = H(epoch_number + 2, sk) and that sk * [1] = pk (where pk = sequencer public key). I forgot to add that second part to the above spec :o. Finally the algorithm is wrapped in a SNARK because of Aztec’s implicit SNARK-based architecture, so a proof of correctness verifies the VRF has been correctly computed.

Getting back to your original question about VRFi …

VRFi = H(VRFinitial, salt, i) and VRFinitial contains the secret key sk. Therefore it is sk that is providing the randomness for VRFi


It looks like only the sequencer is on the hook for producing a block and there is no incentive to use external provers. Is there a danger that this would lead to sequencers using their own provers and not going to the ‘prover network’?

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Current plan is that “proving network coordination” and/or “prover selection” is going to be addressed in a separate RFP/proposal process after this one concludes. This RFP really only addresses how we arrive at the current sequencer - although admittedly Joe’s PBS proposal addresses both given the way he changed up and separated concerns (he kinda cheated/speedran our roadmap :joy:)

Ah ok, got it!


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I wrote down some questions when I read through, might have missed some details or asking stupid questions but here goes (numbered for easy ref):

  1. In registration, what power is there from the bootstrapping, would it mainly just be they know who will be sequencers for the first couple of epochs?
  2. In Bidding for block production rights, how is double-bidding handled? Can the same sequencer put in multiple bids?
  3. In Bidding for block production rights, what stops the current sequencer from censoring bids?
  4. In Proving block production rights, is anything stopping a sequencer within the next epoch from proving that they got a specific slot? e.g., how far ahead can I prove that I am the sequencer? Is this one epoch (“to get ready”) as it needs to be finalised or is there something else, from a quick read sounds like only the “current” could prove.
  5. Is the commitment done by posting the block or just the hash? What happens if a block is committed to, but the sequencer never includes it? Will there be a burn/reward?
  6. What happens if the sequencer is adding the commitment and getting provers to build proof but don’t actually include it? Say due to unprofitability or whatever, proves waste resources but there don’t seem to be any consequence (that he don’t already have from not publishing).
  7. In Verification Public Contract Logic, it is said that “the slot’s sequencer_id is extracted”, but it is not clear to me how? I don’t see it being included directly and sk should not be passed so how would it extract it?
  8. With L1 contract logic using timestamps would you expect to see many missed slots when the “ending” a congested period on L1 collides with a finalisation of the next epoch list? e.g., the epoch list is finalised at 150 gwei but gas prices fall to 50 gwei before a majority of blocks are to be built, sequencers all will be unprofitable if they include blocks so no blocks are produced. Or would you expect that sequencers are requiring fees based on the bid they made and not current l1 conditions possibly earning a lot more in these cases?

Two points I want o mainly discuss here:

  1. The need for builder privacy: Personally having a private builder is a double-edged sword. While it makes collusions and censorship harder, the fact that they are private also means whoever knows them would be able to have big leverage in performing prover-builder collusion (this will depend on how the prover market would look like ofc). To some extent, prover-builder collusion is inevitable since the builders can always run provers at the same time, which is also similar to L1 builders and validators. So making it an encrypted builder may result in Dark Forest type of scenario where only people who are close to the builders have the chance to coordinate while the rest does not. Personally more leaning towards an open transparent model.

  2. Sub-optimal block: Here I say sub-optimal block in the sense there are not fully capturing MEV due to the randomized VRF factor. I see that the reason why you are making this tradeoff is to prevent block monopoly. But imo block monopoly should be prevented via block building mechanism, not the job of the protocol. For example, with SUAVE-like decentralized block building with SGX that comes into space, the monopoly issue would be less of a problem since the builder itself will be decentralized to begin with. In such case, the protocol should be optimised for incentive alignments.

Personally, I think the block production scheme should be designed in consideration of prover market especially when there is incentive flow between the two parties. Having a better alignments between the two parties can also better prevent provers fluctuating to become builders due to builder work being more profitable etc. The incentive across the two has to be balanced, hence why the design needs to be considered together.

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The main thing that sticks out to me is: Bidding for a slot in advance of seeing the tx pool for that slot seems counter intuitive. How much would you pay for the right to be an Eth validator in a few blocks’ time? How much would you pay for what I have in my pocket? :crazy_face: